Family Youth Interaction Community Services
"Where supporting is our focus and where we believe in you."

Supervised Visitation Services
Supervised Visitation and Family Interaction Services:
Children and families benefit from close and consistent supervision of parent-child contacts, with the intent of providing support and guidance to the family, as well as information to the courts regarding recommendations for reunification with a biological parent. Visits will be integrated into the already scheduled activities of the children and/or activities with which the parent will be involved with post-reunification, maximizing the “naturalness” of visits, (re)integrating the parent into the child’s life, supporting the continuation of the visit activities post-reunification, and easing the burden on family and foster placements to make special scheduling arrangements for visits. Family interactions should only be restricted if there is a risk of harm to the child. The primary purpose is to maintain the parent-child relationship and other family attachments and to reduce the sense of abandonment which children experience at placement.