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Individual Mentoring


Mentoring is a structured and trusting relationship that brings youth together with caring individuals who offer guidance and encouragement aimed at supporting the character and development of the youth.  Mentors will provide support, friendship, reinforcement and constructive example.  Mentoring services are evidence-based and evidence-informed adult-supervised supports that are intended to improve a referral’s ability to interact in the community in socially appropriate ways. Programming provides the youth with such things as peer interaction, social/recreational, independent living skills training and employability skill-building opportunities.  The mentor supports the participant by practicing, modeling, guiding and shadowing them in the community. Programming may also provide education and skill development or training to improve a referral’s ability to perform routine daily activities and utilize community resources.  Mentoring may also serve as a form of respite for families.  Benefits of structured programming could promote the social success of youth, better decision making skills, daily living skills, increase community involvement, improve the well-being of youth, prevent abuse/neglect and prevent and/or reduce ATOD use.


Our services are provided within the community, home and/or educational setting.  We currently have openings available for male and female referrals.

All Rights Reserved by Family Youth Interaction Community Services 2022

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