Family Youth Interaction Community Services
"Where supporting is our focus and where we believe in you."

Summer Connections - Group Mentorship Services
Group skills development and enhancement services include training in communication, social skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving, decision-making, self-regulation, conflict resolution, and other specific needs of referrals. Improving integration into and interactions within the community and other social networks. Skills training may be provided by various methods, including; but not limited to modeling, monitoring, mentoring, supervision, assistance, and cuing.
Many youth referred could benefit from social skills experiences.
This programming is very activity/recreational based. Activities in the community may include: activities such as arts & crafts, educational activities, community service projects, cookouts, field trips, park days throughout the County, picnics, sporting activities, swimming, roller skating, team building activities and more. Field trip highlights may include: Big Cat Rescue, County Fair, Fondy Sports Complex, Kalahari, Little Ammericka, Madison Zoo, Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary, Wisconsin Dells Trip and more!